Recent research has shown that we have only been scratching the surface in uncovering the efficiency benefits of our new Surface Series LEDs.

We’ve been crunching the numbers here at the Brightgreen HQ, and in doing so, discovered that surface-mounted lights use only half the power normally needed for recessed lights. 

How you ask? Here’s what we discovered:

Recessed lights require cutouts and gaps in insulation. Although you might not realise it, downlight cutouts are key culprits for allowing air to escape through the ceiling, putting an extra load on heating and cooling systems. Similarly, the gaps in insulation required for the safe installation of recessed lights increase the amount of heat transfer through the ceiling and reduce insulation R-values.

With heating and cooling accounting for a massive 40% of electricity usage in the average Australian home, Surface Series LEDs minimise the amount of heat transferred through your roof – passing the savings on to you. 

By comparing the total power usage (including the energy required for heating and cooling that escapes through cutouts and gaps in insulation), our engineers discovered that choosing Surface Series LEDs instead of recessed LEDs, means the average Australian home could reduce their power bill by 391.6kWhs per year and improve insulation R-values by up to .5.

Interested in having a totally sealed and insulated ceiling? Check out our new Surface Series here.

Download our research paper here.